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29日从“2014年三代核电AP/CAP合格供应商年会”获悉,原定2013年建成的我国首台也是全球首台第三代先进压水堆AP1000型核电机组——浙江三门核电站1号机组,在克服设计固化和设备制造的种种困难后,将于2015年底并网发电。国家核电技术公司董事长王炳华介绍,包括浙江三门两台和山东海阳两台在内的我国第三代核电自主化依托项目4台AP1000机组目前建设总体进展顺利。首台即三门1号机组的核岛土建施工基本完成,正在进行系统移交与调试准 It was informed on the 29th from the 2014 Third Generation AP / CAP Qualified Suppliers’ Meeting that the first NPP of China that was built in 2013 is the first AP1000 AP1000 nuclear power generation unit in the world - Unit 1 of nuclear power station, after overcoming the design curing and equipment manufacturing difficulties, will be connected to the grid by the end of 2015. Wang Binghua, chairman of National Nuclear Power Technology Co., introduced that the construction of 4 AP1000 units, including the third generation of nuclear power autonomous projects in China, including Zhejiang Sanmen Two and Shandong Haiyang Two, has been proceeding smoothly. The construction of the nuclear island construction of the first three-door unit No. 1 was basically completed and the system handover and commissioning are under way
秋色撩人,不仅可以欣赏到“停车坐爱枫林晚”、“霜叶红于二月花”的美丽景致,还可以感受到“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的恬淡与宁静意境。 Autumn sultry, not only can en
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It was 1.aining hard that clay.1 was sitting illfront of the window It was 1.aining hard that clay.1 was sitting in front of the window
如果大家有时间的话,请试一试“英雄救美”。因为,男生只要救了一个女生,不论高矮胖瘦,一律会被说成是英雄;女生只要被一个男生救了,不论燕瘦环肥,一准就是美女了。 If ever