1986年是“七五”计划实施的第一年,也是我国小水电事业飞跃发展的一年。总结全年工作。可归纳为以下十件大事: 一、全国小水电总装机超过1000万千瓦。据快报统计:1986年小水电投产54万千瓦,全国小水电总装机容量已超过1000万千瓦,约占全国水电装机的1/3。在小水电供电区内,已建成高低压输电线路194万公里,供电与配电变压器容量达4100万千伏安。这些设施,为全国1/3的县(763个县)、40%的乡(2.16万个乡)提供了用电条件。全国近3亿人口的地域主要靠小水电供电。小水电事业的发展,对缓
The year 1986 was the first year of implementing the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” and also a year for the leap forward in our country’s small hydropower development. Summery the whole year work. Can be summarized as the following ten major events: First, the total installed capacity of small hydropower over 10 million kilowatts. According to express statistics: in 1986 small hydropower commissioned 540,000 kilowatts, the national total installed capacity of small hydropower has more than 10 million kilowatts, accounting for about 1/3 of the national hydropower installed capacity. In the small hydropower power supply area, 1.94 million km of high and low voltage transmission lines have been built and the capacity of power supply and distribution transformers has reached 41 million kVA. These facilities provided electricity for 1/3 of the counties (763 counties) and 40% of townships (21,600 townships). The area of nearly 300 million people in the country mainly depends on the supply of small hydropower. Small hydropower development, on the slow