A Study of Prototype Effects in Xin Qiji’s Song Lyrics from the Perspective of Prototype Theory

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  Abstract:Xin Qiji was praised by Wang Guowei:“ the most excellent poet of the Southern Song Dynasty” in his book Comment on Ci Poetry.This thesis aims to appreciate Xin’s Song lyrics from the perspective of Prototype Theory.It will provide a reference for further study in this aspect and provide a theoretical guide in practical activities,and thus may promote more wonderful related works produced.
  Key Words:prototype theory;Xin Qiji’s Song lyrics;prototype effects
  It is said that human beings tend to classify everything in the world automatically according to their characteristics.Different substances are endowed with different marks or names,and this process is called categorization.It is not only the mental process of the human brain to summarize and classify the objective world,but also the basic and main content of cognitive linguistics.Labov(1973)has pointed out:if the language can be said to be anything,it is the study of category.Category is the foundation of people's understanding and cognition of the world,and also the foundation of thinking and communication.
  Prototype theory is a theory that about category and categorization,it aims to reveal the fundamental properties and internal configuration of the given category.With great explanatory power,the theory can not only explain natural phenomena,but also explain the social phenomena,including many linguistic phenomena.If we can use the language to classify the world,we also can use the prototype theory to study the language.At present,prototype theory has been mainly applied in the field of phonetics,syntax,lexicology,pragmatics,language acquisition,aphasia and other aspects,hardly on the application of cognitive poetics to analyze literary text.In recent years,some Chinese scholars and postgraduates have been doing research on classic Chinese poetry from the perspective of some certain theory in cognitive poetics.However,it is just a beginning.
  Splendid as the classical Chinese Song lyrics are,the number of lyrics and the lyrics by different poets or poetess have their own distinguishing features and merits is fabulous in amount.They have also attracted many scholars’ interest in analyzing and promoting the embedded beauty and spirit.But very few study classical Song lyrics from the perspective of cognitive poetics,especially from the perspective of prototype theory.
  Xin Qiji(1140-1207),an outstanding patriotic poet with the most prestigious and recognized achievement in the history of Song lyrics,created more lyrics in the Song Dynasty compared with other poets.As a national fighter,he expressed the major issues of common concern of the society at that time and the strong desire to reunify the motherland with Song lyrics.At the same time,Xin’s Song lyrics forms a tidal current,causing and promoting artistic creation innovation,and pushing the culture of Song Dynasty to new heights.Since the 20th century,research on Xin Qiji’s Song lyrics have presented the new trend,and also become the focus of the attention of the leading figures who specializes in Song lyrics studies.   Li Donghong(2002)analyzed the similarities and differences of writing styles that in Xin Qiji’s and Jiang Kui’s Song lyrics in her thesis “ ‘摧刚为柔’与‘健笔柔情’-稼轩词、白石词异同论”.Chen Jingyun(2007)published “论苏轼和辛弃疾豪放词风格的异同”,which is mainly aimed at analyzing the diverse appearances and profound aesthetic implications in Su Shi’s and Xin Qiji’s unconstrained lyrics.
  Liu Yangzhong(1990)paid attention to artistic conception or allusion features from the perspective of aesthetics and psychology.In his book --《辛弃疾词心探微》,he analyzed Xin’s thoughts and means of artistic expression in his Song lyrics meticulously and elaborately.Besides,the article “稼轩词用典探微” written by Gui Lin(2003)argued that a large number of allusions about frustrated heroes can be found in his Song lyrics so as to mock himself in have no way to serve the motherland and to express the boredom.
  At the same time,the researches on the classification and reinterpretation of Xin’ Song lyrics are also quite common.For instance,Jiao Yancheng and Lu Chengwen published “辛弃疾的咏物词” in 2002.This thesis claims that Xin’s object-chanting lyrics are fresh and distinctive,which are supposed to be the highest achievement during Two Song time.In addition,Xue Xinli(2003)pointed out in his thesis “‘永遇乐-京口北固亭怀古’词新论 ”,“永遇乐-京口北固亭怀古” is an approval and compliment of the Kaixi Northern Expedition.
  As the former studies show,Xin Qiji’s Song lyrics have never been studied through the application of prototype theory prior to this research.With the development of cognitive poetics,this thesis introduces a new way of appreciating the beauty and wisdom in Xin Qiji’s Song lyrics.It is a demonstration that western theory can be used to study Chinese literary text.This thesis will provide new theoretical guidance to the study of classic Chinese poetry,and also open up new ways to make Chinese culture well-understood,which is of high theoretical value and practical significance.
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