Medical summary Male, 3 years old, due to fever, paroxysmal convulsions 14 hours, coma, irregular breathing 7 hours on May 12, 1975 admission. Children at 6:00 on the day of admission fever, shivering, God tired, and then drowsiness, complexion, systemic paroxysmal convulsions continued for about 1 o’clock after breathing and irregular, call wake up. Pre-onset denied cough, vomiting and diarrhea. Personal history, family history, no previous history. Physical examination: body temperature 40 ℃, pulse 170 beats / min, breathing 48 beats / min, coma, irregular breathing, pale, burning skin and trunk, cold limbs, pupil left 6mm, right 4mm, light reflex, Orbital sag, neck soft, low heart sound blunt, the bottom of both lungs can smell intensive wet rales. Liver right rib 1.5 cm, spleen not touched, both knee reflex, abdominal reflex and cremaster reflex disappeared. Bipin’s positive sign on both sides.