八个半综合征是一种少见的脑干综合征,现将本院诊治的1例以八个半综合征为表现的脑桥梗死患者报道如下。1病例患者,男性,58岁,因“头晕伴视物模糊4 h”于2015年4月17日入院。患者于4 h前无明显诱因出现头晕,为视物晃动,走路不稳,发飘感,伴有右眼不能闭合,无视物旋转、成双,无耳鸣、耳聋,无恶心、呕吐,无肢体活动障碍、言语障碍及声音嘶哑等,无面部及肢体的麻木,无意识障碍
Eight and a half syndrome is a rare brain stem syndrome, now a hospital diagnosis and treatment of pituitary syndrome in the performance of eight patients with pontine infarction are reported below. One patient, male, 58 years old, was admitted to hospital on April 17, 2015 due to “dizziness with blurred vision 4 h ”. Patients with no obvious cause of 4 h before dizziness, as the material sway, walking unsteadily, hair floating feeling, with the right eye can not be closed, ignoring the object rotation, double, no tinnitus, deafness, no nausea, vomiting, no physical activity Obstacles, speech disorders and hoarseness, etc., no numbness of the face and limbs, unconsciousness