通过将白化颖壳品系分别与黄颖壳品系及黑颖壳品系杂交的方法来研究白化颖壳的遗传规律。结果表明 :白化颖壳性状属细胞核遗传 ,为单基因控制的隐性性状 ;白化颖壳基因具有一因多效性 ;该基因与黑颖壳基因为相互独立非等位基因 ,黑颖壳基因对该基因有显性上位作用
The genetic law of albinism was studied by crossing the albino glume strains with the Huang Ying shell strains and the black glume shell strains respectively. The results showed that the albino glume trait belongs to the nuclear inheritance and is a recessive trait controlled by a single gene. The albinism gene has a single-factor pleiotropic effect. The gene is related to the non-allelic gene of the black glume shell, The gene has a dominant role