桃树在中国是一种随处可见,极为普通的果树。它的花娇艳、美丽,它的果鲜美、可口。 桃在我国栽培的历史至少已有三千多年。早在我国第一部诗歌总集《诗经》中就有关于桃的诗句。最有名的一句就是“桃之夭夭,灼灼其华”。意思是说桃树啊长得多么茂盛,桃花啊开得多么鲜亮。 桃又分为食用桃和观赏桃。在一些文献中记载,在唐代就已经有很多种观赏桃的品种了,比如绛桃、绯桃、碧桃、百叶桃、人面桃,等等。 北宋时的《洛阳花木记》中记载有30个桃花品种。 到了明、清两代,种植桃树就更加广泛,这从明代小说《西游记》里
Peach trees in China is a common, extremely common fruit trees. Its flower is beautiful and beautiful, its fruit is delicious and delicious. The history of peach cultivation in our country has been at least 3,000 years. As early as the first poem in our country, “The Book of Songs,” there are poems about the peach. The most famous one is “Peach died, burning its China.” What it means is how beautiful the peach tree grows, and how beautiful the peach blossom is. Peach is divided into peach and ornamental peach. In some documents, there have been many varieties of ornamental peaches in the Tang Dynasty, such as crimson peach, peach blossom, blue peach, leaf peach, peach, and so on. During the Northern Song Dynasty, “Luoyang Huamuji” recorded 30 peach varieties. To the Ming and Qing dynasties, planting peach trees is even more extensive, which from the Ming Dynasty novel “Journey to the West” in