Since the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), in stark contrast to the stagnant integration as a whole, the economic integration in the subregion in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States has been actively promoted, forming a multi-level, multi-speed and multi-level integration situation. After Putin came to power, the situation was even more aggravated and presented new characteristics. On the one hand, this shows that the low integration capacity of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on the one hand shows the closer integration within the group and at the same time reflects that the CIS integration is still at a relatively low stage of development. In the foreseeable future, economic integration in sub-regions will continue to dominate the process of economic integration in the Commonwealth of Independent States. “The reunification of the economic space of the four countries” will be expected to become the new axis of economic integration in the Commonwealth of Independent States. “ Group ”there will be a new combination, but the Commonwealth of Independent States will continue to be the core and dominant economy in Russia.