凡是由于输血或使用血液制品,引起受血者发生肝炎,或者虽无肝炎的临床症状及体征,但有阳性的血清学标志,统称为输血后肝炎(PTH),这是一种输血病人常见的并发症,其发生率为2.4%-27.3%。PTH以乙型PTH及非甲非乙型PTH为主,EBV及CMV感染在PTH中所占比例较少。甲型肝炎是经消化道传染,一般不引起PTH;但个别病人输了正处于甲型肝炎潜伏期供血者的血液后,也可感染上甲型肝炎。在我国,以乙型PTH占多数(62.2%-100%),其他国家以非甲非乙型PTH为主(72.5%-100.0%)。 PTH多见于心外科手术病人,这是由于手术时(特别是使用体外循环时),患者需接受数位或数十位供血者的血液,或使用混合血浆制成的血液制品(血浆蛋白溶液,P<0.001);
Any blood transfusion or the use of blood products, caused by the blood of hepatitis, or although no clinical symptoms and signs of hepatitis, but there are positive serological markers, collectively referred to as posttransfusion hepatitis (PTH), which is a blood transfusion patients common Complications, the incidence was 2.4% -27.3%. PTH to B-type PTH and non-B-type PTH-based, EBV and CMV infection in PTH less proportion. Hepatitis A is transmitted through the digestive tract and generally does not cause PTH. However, individual patients may also become infected with hepatitis A after they have lost blood that is currently in the donor’s blood supply for hepatitis A. In China, the majority of type B PTH (62.2% -100%), other countries with non-A non-B type PTH (72.5% -100.0%). PTH more common in cardiac surgery patients, which is due to surgery (especially when using cardiopulmonary bypass), patients need to accept the blood of several or dozens of blood donors, or the use of mixed plasma made of blood products (plasma protein solution, P <0.001);