Causes of color changes in wood during drying

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kobe_lilei
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The forest industry operates in a dynamic and global market where change and competition are the rule rather than the exception. The color of wood is one of the most attractive features for the modern wood industry. Even when wood is chosen for its structural qualities, attractive and decorative colors are usually an important factor. In many applications, particularly in furniture, decorative products, decorative veneers and flooring, accurate matching of the color of different samples is required. Wood attributes and properties are important because they have a direct bearing on market opportunities and consumer acceptance for many types of manufactured wood products. The aim of this review is to identify causes of wood discoloration and advances in drying technology to overcome this problem. Wood discoloration is a complex phenomenon, mainly affected by heat, light, physiological and biochemical reactions, as well as from attack by microorganisms. The forest industry operates in a dynamic and global market where change and competition are the rule rather than the exception. The color of wood is one of the most attractive features for the modern wood industry. Even when wood is chosen for its structural qualities, attractive In many applications, particularly in furniture, decorative products, decorative veneers and flooring, accurate matching of the color of different samples is required. Wood attributes and properties are important because they have a direct bearing on market opportunities and consumer acceptance for many types of manufactured wood products. The aim of this review is to identify causes of wood discoloration and advances in drying technology to overcome this problem. Wood discoloration is a complex phenomenon, primarily affected by heat, light, physiological and biochemical reactions, as well as from attack by microorganisms.
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