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文化建设从来都是一个战略问题,不仅关乎民生需求,更关乎全民精神世界的构建和社会发展软实力的提升。浙江有着5500万人口,经历了近40年改革开放和15年文化大省建设的长足发展,已经提前进入小康社会的省份。未来5年,在我国经济社会发展进入新常态的历史条件下,全面推进文化建设,无论对于浙江未来的科学发展,还是对于国民素质的全面提高,其重要性都是不言而喻的。“十三五”时期是浙江省实现全面建成小康社会、基本实现现代化目 Cultural construction has always been a strategic issue. It is not only about the needs of people’s livelihood, but also about the construction of a universal spiritual world and promotion of the soft power of social development. With a population of 55 million, Zhejiang has experienced rapid development in the past 40 years of reform and opening up and the construction of a 15-year cultural province. It has already entered the provinces where well-to-do society ahead of schedule. In the next five years, under the historical conditions of our country’s economic and social development entering a new normal, comprehensively promoting cultural construction will be of great importance both for the future scientific development of Zhejiang and for the all-round improvement of the quality of the people. “13th Five-Year ” period is the realization of the comprehensive construction of a well-to-do society in Zhejiang Province, the basic realization of modernization
全媒体时代,人们获取信息的渠道、方式和时间都发生了深刻变化, 如何增强报纸自身的竞争力和影响力, 成为各家报纸研讨的重要课题, 也是每位报纸编辑必须认真思考的问题.rn全
南极的生存环境极为特殊,这里覆盖着占全世界90%的冰雪。几乎所有的裸岩都集中在同一片区域,即南极半岛及其附属岛屿。我所在的中国南极长城站,处在乔治王岛西南端的菲尔德斯半岛上,这里是全岛最大的无冰区,植被发育良好。  恶劣的环境决定了南极植被组成比较简单,夏季,地衣、苔藓、藻类以及发草,构成了南极错落有致的植被景观。长城站附近,有着近200种地衣和超过60种的苔藓以及100多种藻类,颜色纷呈、形态不