9月,是金色的季节,是丰收的季节。1986年9月,正值全国人民欢欣鼓舞迎接国庆37周年的幸福时刻,一天下午,被誉为“东方第一宾馆”的钓鱼台,像喜迎外国首脑一样,东大门礼宾哨兵身披绶带,16号宴会厅灯火辉煌…… 出人意料的是,这次到这里作客的既不是哪国的总统、元首,也不是哪国的总理、大臣。出席今天“国宴”的竟是一支戎装整齐、青春焕发的中国礼仪部队——解放军仪仗队,军乐队和武警国宾护卫队。 钓鱼台国宾馆,对他们来说,并不陌生,从春到冬,一年四季,不知要在这里执行多少次迎接国宾的任务。然而,像今天这样、手捧鲜红请贴,作为国家主席邀请的客人,参加盛大宴会,还是破天荒第一次。
September, is the golden season, is the harvest season. In September 1986, at the happy moment when the people of the whole country rejoiced to greet the 37th anniversary of the National Day, one day afternoon, Diaoyutai, honored as the “Oriental First Hotel”, was like a welcome foreign leader. Banquet hall lights brilliant ... ... Surprisingly, this is not the guest here this country’s president, head of state, nor is the country’s prime minister, minister. Attend today’s “State Banquet” was actually a well-dressed, youthful Chinese ceremonial force - the PLA honor guard, military band and Armed Services Ambassador escort. Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, for them, is no stranger to, from spring to winter, all the year round, I do not know how many times to perform here to meet the mission of the state guest. However, just like today, holding a bright red invitation, as the guests invited by the President of the State, participating in a grand banquet, is the first time in the world.