由于多哈回合奉“发展”为主题,同时,多哈部长会议的选址、多哈部长会议宣言中确有的一些支持发展中国家成员的内容(特别在知识产权和公众健康宣言中有更明确的表述)以及“执行决定”(Decision on Implementation)表现出的积极态度,令不少人相信该回合呈现出“发展中国家成员时代到来”的特征。毋庸讳言,这些前所未有的成果的取得,主要在于发展中国家成员的通力协作以及全球经济日益增长的相互依赖性。事实上,从1947年23个国家签署关贸总协定并开始贸易自由化以来,到经过8年称作“乌拉圭回合”的谈判而成立世贸组织,发展中国家一直呼吁给予他们一个公平的竞争环境。多哈部长会议的“亮
With the Doha Round devoted to “development” as the theme, and at the same time the location of the Doha Ministerial Conference, some elements of the Doha Ministerial Declaration that explicitly support members of developing countries (more specifically in the Declaration on Intellectual Property and Public Health ) And the “Decision on Implementation,” convinced many that the turn featured the “arrival of developing country members.” Needless to say, these unprecedented achievements have been made mainly through the concerted efforts of developing country members and the growing interdependence of the global economy. In fact, since the signing of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947 and the commencement of trade liberalization, the establishment of the WTO through eight years of negotiations called the “Uruguay Round” has been a call for developing countries to give them a level playing field . The Doha Ministerial Meeting’s "Light