1.技术名称——动目标显示器综述 2.其它名称——MTI,动目标检测器(MTD) 3.类似技术——下面第11款中列出的其它技术,多卜勒雷达 4.系统的关键部位——接收机 5.基本原理——频率选择性 6.对付的电子干扰——杂波,金属箔条 7.应用——搜索和跟踪雷达 8.优点——能抑制下列干扰:杂波,金属箔条,带条干扰(Rope),谐振偶极子,安琪儿(可投放的角反射器),静止不动的不加调制的转发式干扰机。 9.缺点——与频率捷变或脉冲重复频率抖动不兼容。有盲速引起的损失,可能不能消除移动的云。在对空搜索雷达中,可能不能消除地面上运动的卡车。 10.参考资料—— a.Johnston, “雷达电子抗干扰论文集”,第86页Brick和Galejs的文章。 b.Johnston, “雷达电子抗干扰论文集”,参考书目:模拟动目标显示器
1. Technical Name - Summary of Moving Target Monitors 2. Other Names - MT, Moving Target Detector (MTD) 3. Similar Technologies - Other Technologies Listed in Paragraph 11, Doppler Radar 4. Systematic Key Locations - Receivers 5. Fundamentals - Frequency Selectivity 6. Electronic Interference Tacking - Clutters, Foil Bars 7. Applications - Search and Tracking Radars 8. Advantages - The following interference can be suppressed: Clutter , Chaff, Rope, Resonant Dipole, Angel (throwable corner reflector), stationary, unmodulated, repeater jammer. 9. Disadvantages - Not compatible with frequency agility or pulse repetition frequency jitter. There is a loss of blind speed that may not eliminate the moving cloud. In air search radars it may not be possible to eliminate trucks moving on the ground. 10. References - a. Johnston, Proceedings of the Radar Electronics Anti-Jamming, p. 86 Brick and Galejs article. J. Johnston, Proceedings of Radar Electronics Anti-interference, Bibliography: Simulation of Moving Target Display