丹麦有着悠久的海运和贸易历史,丹麦船队已将航运服务延伸至世界各地。大约95%的丹麦航运活动都服务于第三国的国际贸易。 丹麦的商船队拥有约520艘船舶,总吨位超过900万吨。船队现代化程度很高且技术先进,运输货种几乎包括所有自航运领域--班轮运输和不定期船运输、集装箱和散货运输液体货物和冷冻货物运输,其中集装箱班轮运输占丹麦航运的一半以上。丹麦远洋船队的平均船龄仅为6.9年,远远低于国际平均船龄的12.7年。
Denmark has a long history of shipping and trade, and the Danish fleet has extended shipping services all over the world. Approximately 95% of Danish shipping activities serve international trade in third countries. Denmark’s merchant fleet has about 520 vessels and has a total tonnage of more than 9 million tons. The fleet is highly modernized and technologically advanced. Cargoes include almost all shipping from the shipping sector - liner and non-scheduled shipping, liquid cargoes from containers and bulk carriers and frozen cargoes, of which container shipping accounts for half of Danish shipping the above. The average age of the Danish ocean-going fleet is only 6.9 years, far below the international average of 12.7 years.