骨样骨瘤是一种特殊类型的良性骨肿瘤,由成骨性结缔组织及其形成的骨样组织所构成。本病并非少见,早在30年代初期即行报道,以后越来越引起人们重视。笔者复习了1935年至1985年有关本病的文献,较系统地对本病作一概述: 一、命名 1930年Bergstrand以成分性骨样骨组织病变报道了2例,至1932年Jaffe和Maye报道了位于掌骨的成骨性骨样骨组织肿物1例,但当时未确切定为肿瘤。1934年Mich又报道了3例。1935年
Osteoid osteoma is a special type of benign bone tumor consisting of osteogenic connective tissue and its formed bone-like tissue. This disease is not uncommon. It was reported as early as the early 1930s, and it has increasingly attracted people’s attention. The author reviews the literature on the disease from 1935 to 1985 and gives a systematic overview of the disease: 1. In 1930, Bergstrand reported 2 cases of structural bone-like bone lesions, which was reported by Jaffe and Maye in 1932. An osteochondral bone mass located in the metacarpal bone was found in 1 patient, but it was not exactly defined as a tumor at that time. In 1934 Mich reported three more cases. 1935