我们知道,机械振动在介质中的传播形成机械波,在波的传播过程中,介质发生了形变和振动,故而获得了势能与动能,显然,这些能量来自波源,在教学过程中,大家对波传播能量这一事实确信无疑,但对于波究竟是怎样传播能量及能量传递的特点不甚明了。本文以简谐振动在介质中能量的传播为例进行具体分析,供大家教学时参考。 当简谐振动在介质中传播时,我们选取介质中某一个孤立质点,它的振动表达式为:x=Acosωt 该质点的势能为:
We know that the propagation of mechanical vibrations in the medium forms mechanical waves. During the propagation of waves, the medium undergoes deformation and vibration. Therefore, potential energy and kinetic energy are obtained. Obviously, these energy sources come from wave sources. In the course of teaching, everyone waves propagation. The fact that energy is convinced is undoubted, but the nature of how waves transmit energy and energy is not clear. This article takes the harmonic vibration in the medium as an example to carry out a concrete analysis for everyone’s reference when teaching. When the harmonic vibration propagates in the medium, we select an isolated particle in the medium. Its vibration expression is: x = Acosωt The potential energy of this particle is: