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1、社会主义初级阶段既具有社会主义不同发展阶段的共性,其中最根本的一条是生产资料社会主义公有制,又有其特殊的基本经济特征。本文试图从我国所处的社会主义初级阶段的经济和社会环境中,寻求出一个较为合理的价格模式。 2、社会主义初级阶段是商品经济不发达阶段或称作发展中的商品经济阶段。就商品经济发达程度而言,其商品生产和商品交换的深度和广度具有较大的局限性,一定程度上保留着小商品生产的残余。 3、与不发达的商品经济相适应,社会主义初级阶段的市场表现为发育不良的市场或称作发展中的市场。 首先,它是短缺市场。在市场上,呈现出一定的物资短缺、资金短缺、技术以及劳动力短缺等等,而且伴随着“短缺”现象的时常是“经济过热症”、“投资饥饿症”,“消费早熟症”,“需求膨胀症”等等。 1. The primary stage of socialism not only has the common features of different stages of socialism, but the most fundamental one is the socialist public ownership of the means of production, but also its special basic economic characteristics. This article attempts to find a more reasonable price model from the economic and social environment in China’s primary stage of socialism. 2. The primary stage of socialism is the underdeveloped stage of commodity economy or the stage of commodity economy under development. As far as the degree of commodity economy development is concerned, the depth and breadth of its commodity production and commodity exchange have greater limitations, and to a certain extent, it has retained the remnants of small commodity production. 3. Adapting to the underdeveloped commodity economy, the market in the primary stage of socialism is characterized by a stunted market or a market under development. First of all, it is a shortage market. In the market, there are certain shortages of materials, shortages of funds, shortages of technology and labor, etc., and the “shortage” phenomenon often results in “economic overheating,” “investment hunger,” “consumer precocity,” “ “Expansion of demand” and so on.
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