
来源 :艺术沙龙 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q51525779
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自从拜读画论后,我逐渐发现画论把我引向了佛、道,这个倒是很有意思,有一种“由画入道,道由画显”的感觉,此种滋味,人自独享。《艺术沙龙》:对于中西界限、画种间的界限,你的态度是什么?张民生:中国画、西画的土壤不同。西洋文明肇始于地中海沿岸(古埃及、两河流域、古希腊、古罗马),进而到大西洋沿岸(葡萄牙、西班牙、英国),在今天甚至泛化到太平洋沿岸(美国、日本)。在本质上来说,西洋文明是海洋文明。海洋文明的特点是尝试性、冒险性、务实性、突破性.反映到艺术中则是画派之间的颠覆性极强。重视对客观实际的描绘。重视体积感。当然,这是相对于中国绘画而言。中华文明肇始于亚洲内陆的两条大河——黄河和长江,文明的确立是夏、商、周三代,始于西安。春秋战国时期,文明向东、向南不断拓展。两汉时期形成了中华文 Since I read the theory of painting, I gradually found that the theory of painting led me to Buddhism and Taoism. This is quite interesting. There is a sense of “painting by painting and painting by painting.” . “Art Salon”: What is your attitude toward the boundary between Chinese and western cultures and paintings? Zhang Minsheng: The soil of Chinese painting and western painting is different. Western civilization originated in the Mediterranean coast (ancient Egypt, the two rivers, ancient Greece, ancient Rome), and then to the Atlantic coast (Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom), even today, the generalization of the Pacific coast (the United States, Japan). In essence, Western civilization is marine civilization. The characteristics of marine civilization are tentative, adventurous, pragmatic and breakthrough, reflected in the art is very subversive between the paintings. Emphasize the portrayal of objective reality. Emphasis on sense of volume. Of course, this is relative to Chinese painting. Chinese civilization began in the two inland rivers of Asia - the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. The establishment of civilization was the summer, the Shang and the Zhou dynasties and began in Xi’an. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the civilization spread eastward and southward. Han Chinese formed during the Han Dynasty
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