一个多月前,当荧屏上映出我国著名古人类学家贾兰坡教授在周口店为全运会点燃圣火的场面时,我同知识界的许多朋友一样,耳目为之一新,精神为之一振,觉得它的象征性意义很深刻,也很高尚。但是,近日读了张扬同志发表在南方一家报纸上的《贾兰坡与“圣火”》一文,却被文中披露的一些与“点火”有关的内情震惊了,不禁感触颇多,如鲠在喉。 从张文中得知,为了电视上播放那短短的几秒钟,贾老在共同生活了半个多世纪的老伴身患癌症
More than a month ago, when the screen showed Professor Jia Lanpo, a famous ancient anthropologist, at Zhoukoudian lighting the torch scene for the National Games, I, like many of my friends in the intellectual field, took a fresh look and rejuvenated myself. I think its symbolic significance is profound and noble. However, when I recently read Comrade Zhang Lan’s article “Jalan Tanpo and the Holy Spirit” published in a newspaper in the South, she was shocked by some of the “ignition” related facts disclosed in the text. From Zhang Wenzhong learned that, in order to play on television that just a few seconds, Jia Lao lived in the common life of more than half a century of his wife suffering from cancer