《汉语大字典》历经十五个春秋,于一九九○年十月全部出版完成。这部皇皇巨著在我国字词典编纂史上竖立了新的丰碑。大字典毕其功于一日,而修订工作又拉开序幕。现将本人在阅读大字典时所记就教于大方之家,以期为修订工作贡献一点儿绵力。随笔所记,大概可分以下几个方面:一、考源 有的字,未能考出较早的来源或出处。如卷二“昼”是“书”的俗字,在元代已出现,见《宋元以来俗字
The Great Chinese Dictionary has been published for about 15 years in the Spring and Autumn of October 1990. This imperial masterpiece erected a new monument in the history of Chinese word dictionary compilation. The great dictionary completes its work on the 1st, and the revision work begins again. Now I am reading in the dictionary, remember to teach in the generous home, in order to contribute a little effort to amend the work. Essays, probably can be divided into the following aspects: First, the source of some words, failed to test out the earlier source or source. Volume II, “day” is the “book” of the vulgar characters, has appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, see "since the Song and Yuan dynasties