Changes in Soil Salinity in the Ekhiin-Gol Oasis (Mongolia) According to Monitoring Data of 1977 and

来源 :干旱区地理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanfanzp
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Specific features of soil salinization in the Ekhiin-Gol oasis, one of the largest oasis in the Transaltai Gobi of Mongolia, were first studied in 1977. It was shown that recent hydromorphic solonchaks forming as a result of modern salt accumulation predominate in the soil cover of the oasis. A detailed map of soil salinization was compiled, and specific features of salinization in different soils of oases in the Gobi Desert were studied. In 2001, the soil survey of the oasis was repeated, which made it possible to trace the dynamics of soil salinization within a 25-year-long period. The comparison of the data on the soil salinization in the Ekhiin-Gol oasis obtained in 1977-1978 and 2001 has shown that the main part of the oasis area occupied by hydromorphic solonchaks has not undergone significant changes in the degree and character of soil salinization. The rise in the salinity of the oasis soils is most pronounced in the area of the initially (1977) nonsaline or slightly saline meadow and meadow swamp hydromorphic soils and in the area of the formerly irrigated and then abandoned lands. The rise in the degree of the soil salinization may be caused by both natural factors (a drop in the general water supply of the oasis) and natural-anthropogenic factors (a decrease in the discharge of the springs and a lower amount of water accumulated on the soil surface in the form of icings in the winter seasons). The secondary salinization of the irrigated lands is locally developed. It is probably related to saline rocks underlying the loesslike loam. These rocks become the source of soil salts as a result of irrigation. Secondary salinization is sometimes actively developed upon irrigation with saline water from deep wells within the irrigated lands. The tendency for an increase in the degree of soil salinization may also be related to the plant cover degradation as a result of overgrazing. It leads to the formation of barrens, which enhances the physical evaporation from the soil surface and may activate salinization processes in the oasis.
先是一个瓶子,一只碗……一个个典雅的瓷器浮现在我的眼前。瓶身着色,一如你初装。一束束簇拥的青花,它们尽情地盛开在素坯上,它们生长得很快,一片连着一片,将整块素坯快占满了,只留下一点点空隙。青色的牡丹,青色的葫芦叶,无风却飞扬着张开怀抱。青花瓷,一个如此美丽的名字。  今夜伏笔,只为感叹青花瓷的爱恋,最爱青花瓷的纯古浑厚、明净素雅,明明落笔素净,敷色单纯,但素净中却透着不动声色的奢华,单纯中又显出漫
1 引言rn实验表明,在pH=5.95弱酸性和100±2℃加热30 min的条件下, Zn2+能催化十二烷基苯磺酸钠(DBS)-亚甲基蓝(MB)-溴化钾褪色反应,据此建立了催化十二烷基苯磺酸钠-溴化钾-