黄曲霉毒素B_1(AFB_1)与肝癌的发生有密切的关系.粮食、食品又很容易被AFB_1污染,对花生的污染尤其严重.为了保护人民群众的身体健康,减少人体对AFB_1的摄人,我们用“去黄曲霉毒素灵”(简称去毒灵)去除植物油中的AFB_1,结果表明,“去毒灵”的去毒效果达97%以上.现报道如下. 1材料和方法
Aflatoxin B_1 (AFB_1) is closely related to the occurrence of liver cancer.Foods and foodstuffs are also easily contaminated by AFB_1, especially for peanuts.In order to protect people’s health and reduce human intake of AFB_1, we With “aflatoxin spirit” (referred to as detoxification) to remove plant oil AFB_1, the results show that “toxin” detoxification effect of more than 97% are reported as follows.1 Materials and methods