随便你怎样对莫妮卡·莱温斯基的过去说三道四,眼下的她真的干得棒极了。自从一年前“真实的莫妮卡”网站(网址The Real Monic Inc.com)开通以来,她的网上休闲女包销路看好,生意越做越红火,令在网络商站中败北的同行们艳羡不已。仅2000年下半年,她设计的价格为90美元至185美元的手包的销量就翻了一番。这一斐然的业绩是现年27岁的莱温斯基始料不及的。创业之初,她只抱着试试看的念头,对自己事业的前景曾心怀忐忑。
Just how you can tell the story of Monica Lewinsky’s past, she really did a great job now. Since the launch of The Real Monica Inc website a year ago, her online casual handbags have been well sold and the business has been thriving, leaving envy among those who have lost their ground in the online shopping business. Endless. In the second half of 2000 alone, her handbag sales, which cost between $ 90 and $ 185, doubled. This impressive performance is not expected at Lewinsky, now 27 years old. At the beginning of the venture, she only held the idea of trying and had a cynical view on the prospect of her career.