改性塑料应用广泛,中国改性塑料产量从2009年的570万吨增加至2016年的1 000多万吨,改性化率由2004年的8%增长到2016年的19%,年复合增速超过23%。但国内“塑钢比”系数仍然较低,为30:70,不及世界平均的50:50。同时国内低端产品产能过剩、竞争激烈,中高档产品依赖进口。国内企业产能占比为27%,市占率30%,
Modified plastics are widely used. The output of modified plastics in China increased from 5.7 million tons in 2009 to more than 10 million tons in 2016, and the rate of modification increased from 8% in 2004 to 19% in 2016. The annual compound increase Speed over 23%. However, the domestic ratio of steel to plastic is still low at 30:70, less than the world average of 50:50. At the same time, domestic low-end products overcapacity, highly competitive, high-end products rely on imports. Domestic enterprises accounted for 27% of capacity, market share of 30%