Based on the whole-current equations of typhoon surge and its definite difference equations, this paper develops a numerical prediction mode! for typhoon surge along the southeast coast of China by taking into account of the typhoon model of circular storm. On considering the complexities of the coast and boundaries, the development of the model was made use of a relative ideal method to deal with the boundary conditions according to the characters of the model and the boundary position of the calculation grid. The calculations fairly coincided with the field observations, that proves this numerical prediction model satisfactory.
Based on the whole-current equations of typhoon surge and its definite difference equations, this paper develops a numerical prediction mode! For typhoon surge along the southeast coast of China by taking into account of the typhoon model of circular storm. On considering the complexities of the coast and boundaries, the development of the model was made use of a relative ideal method to deal with the boundary conditions according to the characters of the model and the boundary position of the calculation grid. The instruments are coincident with the field observations, that proves this numerical prediction model satisfactory.