《瞭望》编辑部: 你刊读者反映农民“看病难”的情况,这几年来已引起国务院和卫生部的重视。1991年国务院批转了卫生部关于改革和加强农村医疗卫生工作请示的通知,其中主要内容就有,巩固发展三级农村医疗预防保健网,解决农村卫生技术人员缺乏的问题,和积极推行适合当地情况的医疗保障制度。
“Viewpoint” Editorial Department: Your readers reflect the situation of the farmers “difficult to see a doctor.” Over the past few years, the State Department and the Ministry of Health have attracted attention. In 1991, the State Council issued a circular on the Ministry of Health’s request for instructions on reforming and strengthening rural medical and health work. The main contents included consolidating and developing the three-tier rural medical preventive and health care network, solving problems that rural health and technical personnel lacked, and actively implementing local-appropriate local regulations. The situation of the medical security system.