【摘 要】
There's more to China's huge tradesurplus than the export factor.February is a good example of that.The month saw $23.76 billion inChina's trade surplus, second onlyto the record high of $23.83 billio
There's more to China's huge tradesurplus than the export factor.February is a good example of that.The month saw $23.76 billion inChina's trade surplus, second onlyto the record high of $23.83 billion inOctober 2006. According to the GeneralAdministration of Customs (GAC), inFebruary, the total volume of China's for-eign trade mounted to $140.44 billion, ayear-on-year increase of 32.9 percent. Ofthe total, exports hit $82.1 billion, soaring51.7 percent, while imports grew 13.1 per-cent to $58.34 billion.
Though it wasn’t always the case,China is an increasingly importantpart of European business and eco-nomic development.
As the Harry Potter series of novelshas gained legions of fans amongChinese children, some questionsabout their reading habits havearisen.
It wasn’t too long ago that the vastmajority of Chinese wore nondescriptMao-style coats and caps in mutedgrays and blues-bringing uniformityto a population where individual dressstyles were frowned up
Germany is holding the EuropeanUnion (EU) Council presidencyduring the first half of this year.There are two reasons that make theEU integration under a Germanpresidency eye-catching.
On March 21, four overseas banks,including Hong Kong andShanghai Banking Corp. (HSBC),Citibank, Standard Chartered Bankand Bank of East Asia got the nodfrom the China Banking RegulatoryCommission (CBR
Today’s world requires understanding,not only in the fields of politics and theeconomy, but also in culture and civi-lization.
The cute and cuddly panda, a nation-al treasure of China, took on a newand ugly persona recently.
Iused to be amused by the commonlyheld belief among my friends back inCanada who spoke about China in acer-tain way. Whether they had ever visited thecountry or not didn't matter, China was, tothem, q
Forty-six-year-old Su Hongyou is thehead of a county government in theprovince of Jiangxi. Su considershimself a local civil servant, so whenthe opportunity of receiving trainingorganized by the Centr
Zigmund Bertok:Prime MinisterFico’s visit here was very important for theSlovak side and Slovak-Chinese relations.