
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoshibo
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老年群体旅游市场开发需要建立在对老年群体充分的了解情况上,要注重安全、轻松、观光、经济等多方面要素,要充分利用旅游淡季的市场低价氛围,补充淡季旅游市场客户资源短缺,从而满足老年群体旅游诉求。 The development of the tourism market for the elderly needs to be based on a full understanding of the elderly groups and pay attention to the elements of safety, convenience, sightseeing, economy and other factors. It is necessary to make full use of the low-priced market atmosphere during the tourism season to supplement the shortage of customer resources in the off-season tourism market, So as to satisfy the traveling demand of the elderly group.
1993年9月23日,在摩纳哥的蒙特卡洛,举行国际奥委会第101次全会会上将投票选定2000年奥运会的举办城市  9月17日下午,国际奥委会执委会举行会议会议还未开始,萨马兰奇就让秘书把几则电讯稿送给何振梁(国际奥委会委员)看萨马兰奇在电讯稿上写了“何”字,并在后面打上了个大惊叹号何振梁看了电讯后吃了一惊,原来是几家通讯社分别从悉尼和蒙特卡洛发出消息,说张百发于8月31日在北京接受了澳大利亚特别广