防伪技术就是要鉴别产品的真伪。在法庭科学中,对于人的识别可以通过个体的身高、容貌等特征进行,如今还可以通过肉眼看不到的 DNA——遗传基因进行一个人身份真假的终极判定。同样,我们经常通过包装形状、颜色、图案等来识别商品,但这种能够通过人类感官识别的特征往往技术含量相对低,再加上人类感官识别有时存在较大偏差,这些特征容易被伪造者所利用,反而成为误导消费者的陷阱。
Anti-counterfeiting technology is to identify the authenticity of the product. In forensic science, the identification of people can be carried out through the characteristics of the individual’s height and appearance, and the ultimate determination of whether a person’s identity is genuine or not can now be carried out through naked DNA. Similarly, we often identify items by their shapes, colors, patterns, etc. However, such features that can be identified by human senses tend to be relatively low-tech, and sometimes there is a large discrepancy in human sensory recognition that can easily be counterfeited Use, but has become a misleading consumer trap.