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两宋时期,伴随儒家礼乐文明从中心向边缘推进,国家礼制教化从多方面向岭南渗透,岭南“尚巫右鬼”传统出现新变。一方面,在地方官员积极主导下,南海神、圣帝明王、先贤往哲、忠臣烈士等符合国家礼制的正统性祠神在岭南纷纷落地,推动国家正统意识形态向岭南渗透。另一方面,在国家毁禁淫祀和封赐祠神政策导向下,原本巫觋淫祀色彩浓厚的岭南地方祠神向国家提倡的正统性观念靠拢,在国家对其封号赐额的文字话语中被吸纳、重构。岭南地方祠神信仰渐趋消融进儒家礼乐文明,“一道德,同风俗”文明同一性进程加速。 During the Song and Song dynasties, with the ritual and civilized rites of Confucianism proceeding from the center to the periphery, the national rituals and civilized rites infiltrated the Lingnan from many aspects, and the traditions of Lingnan and Wuxu Ghosts changed dramatically. On the one hand, under the active leadership of local officials, the orthodox temple gods in the South China Sea, the Holy Emperor, the Sage Emperor, the sages, the martyrs, and other loyal martyrs have landed one after another in the south of the Five Ridges to promote the national orthodoxy to infiltrate the Lingnan. On the other hand, under the guidance of the national policy of ruining and assassinating the gods, the incongruity of the local gods in the Lingnan region, where the witch gods were highly dedicated, moved closer to the concept of orthodoxity advocated by the state, In being absorbed, reconstruction. Lingnan shrine belief gradually melting into the Confucian ritual and civilized culture, “a morality, with customs ” process of accelerating the process of the sameness of civilization.
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