为确认我国华北地区广泛分布的长角血蜱是否携带新近发现的山羊无形体Anaplasma capra,2012、2015年5~9月期间,在北京房山地区采集长角血蜱并进行检测。结果共采集游离的长角血蜱311只,其中成蜱95只,若蜱156只,幼蜱60只。提取蜱基因组DNA后对山羊无形体的gltA和16S rRNA两个基因片段进行PCR扩增。结果显示,共有3(3?2%)只成蜱阳性,若蜱和幼蜱中未检测到山羊无形体。遗传进化分析显示,扩增出的gltA和16S rRNA序列和早先报道的牡丹江人感染的A. capra的序列相一致。证实了在我国华北地区的媒介蜱携带该新发现的山羊无形体,该地区为山羊无形体潜在的自然疫源地。加强该地区蜱媒传染病的防控工作具有必要性和紧迫性。“,”Anaplasma capra, an emerged tick?borne agent, maintained its natural cycles via ticks and host reserviors. To survey for A. capra infection in Haemaphysalis longicornis in North China, a total of 311 H. longicornis ( 95 adults, 156 nymphs, 60 larvae) were collected in Beijing during May to Sept. in 2012 and 2015. A. capra was identified from 3 adults (3?2%) when amplified by PCR targeting gltA gene and rrs (16S rRNA). No infection was found in the nymphs and larvae. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the partial gltA and 16S rRNA sequences obtained in the ticks are identical to A. capra harvseted from Mudanjiang′s patients in 2014. The finding of A. capra in ticks in North China indicates the natural foci may exist in North China and it is urgent and necessary to prevent and control the emerged tick borne disease in this area.