苦乐忆年华 担当话今昔——探访部分首都劳动奖章获得者和荣获首都劳动奖状的先进集体

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1986年5月,北京市总工会首次推出了一批来自各行各业的新型先进人物和先进集体,从此开始了“首都劳动奖章”和“首都劳动奖状”的评选工作。这是北京市总工会为了表彰长期在平凡岗位上艰苦奋斗,无私奉献,锐意改革,开拓创新,成绩卓著,事迹突出的先进个人和先进集体所设立的奖项。30年过去了,这样的先进人物和集体,也一代一代的传承着。1986年的首批北京市五一劳动奖章获得者孙庆海,如今已是单位的书 In May 1986, Beijing Federation of Trade Unions launched a batch of new-type advanced figures and advanced collectives from all walks of life for the first time. From then on, the selection of “Capital Labor Medal” and “Capital Labor Certificate” began. This is a prize set by the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions for the recognition of individuals and advanced collectives who have worked hard at ordinary places for long periods of time, made selfless contributions, and are keen on reform, pioneering and innovative, with outstanding achievements and outstanding deeds. Thirty years later, such advanced people and collectives have passed on from generation to generation. Sun Qinghai, the first winner of the May 1 Labor Medal in Beijing in 1986, is now the unit’s book
安徽警方以重点项目实施为支撑,不断建立健全共建共享机制,积极争取省财政支持。仅省厅就投入三亿元完成了厅机关数据中心、网安综合应用平台等近20个厅机关重点项目建设任务。2011年到2015年,全省共投入资金五亿元,完成了全省公安机关监督信息化、警用地理信息应用平台、部门间信息共享与服务平台、信息综合应用平台等30多个全省共建共享项目建设。  2012年9月,安徽省公安厅将长丰、肥东、凤台、濉溪、休宁