目的从临床流行病学角度对1992~2002年龙岩市374例乳腺癌住院病例进行对比分析, 掌握其发病率、分布规律及趋势, 为防治工作提供一定的依据。方法统计 1992~2002 年间龙岩各县、市级医院乳腺癌住院确诊病例, 从发病年龄、肿块大小、病理、治疗方式、淋巴结情况等方面进行分析、讨论。结果11 年来乳腺癌发病率总趋势逐年上升, 治疗手段进一步完善, 但一、二级预防工作进展缓慢, 希望引起有关部门的重视。
Objective To compare and analyze 374 cases of breast cancer hospitalized from 1992 to 2002 in Longyan City from the perspective of clinical epidemiology and to grasp the incidence, distribution and trend of breast cancer and provide some evidences for prevention and treatment. Methods The hospitalized cases of breast cancer in all counties and municipal hospitals in Longyan from 1992 to 2002 were analyzed and discussed from the aspects of age of onset, tumor size, pathology, treatment and lymph nodes. Results The overall incidence of breast cancer increased over the past 11 years, and the treatment was further improved. However, the progress of primary and secondary prevention was slow and it hoped to arouse the attention of relevant departments.