在伟大领袖毛主席亲自发动和领导的批林批孔运动正在普及、深入、持久地发展的大好形势下,当前,全国出现了一个认真学习毛主席军事著作、狠批林彪资产阶级军事路线的新高潮,形势大好,十分喜人。形势大好,需要我们再接再励!形势喜人需要我们继续战斗! 在学习毛主席军事著作的过程中,我们理论小组的同志体会到:政治路线是军事路线的“纲”,军事路线产生并服务于一定的政治路线。叛徒卖国贼林彪为了实现其反革命的目
Under the excellent situation of universal, in-depth and sustained development, the pro-Lin movement approved and personally led by Chairman Mao of the great leader, at present there is a new situation in the country that conscientiously studies Chairman Mao’s military writings and criticizes Lin Biao’s bourgeois military line. Climax, the situation is good, very gratifying. In the course of studying Chairman Mao’s military writings, our comrades in the theoretical group have come to realize that the political line is the “platform” of the military line and that the military route is generated and serviced In a certain political line. Traitor to sell the country thief Lin Biao in order to achieve its counter-revolutionary goals