三网融合不能忘记农村!支撑基层广电发展的农村有线网络,既是提供普遍服务、凸显广电公益性的神经末梢,又是支撑广电长期发展的重要基石。事实上,电信系运营商近几年的市场增量,很大一部分来自广袤的农村市场,尤以手机为最。此情此景之下,在整合与融合的大趋势间,农村有线网络如何在过渡期中号准发展的脉搏?就此话题,本文作者结合基层实践给出了积极思考,热忱期待您的观点,来稿请发:[email protected]。
Triple play rural areas can not forget the rural cable network supporting the development of grassroots radio and television is not only to provide universal service, highlighting the non-profit radio and television nerve endings, but also to support the long-term development of radio and television an important cornerstone. In fact, the telecom operators in recent years, the market increment, a large part of the vast rural market, especially the most mobile phone. Under this circumstance, how will the rural cable network develop in the midst of the transition period? In this topic, the author of the paper gives a positive thinking in light of grass-roots practice and sincerely hopes for your opinions and contributions Please send: [email protected]