【摘 要】
According to the Circular of the Financial and Economic Committee of the State Council on Several Amendments and Implementation Date of the Tax System, it stipulates: "The general principles of industrial sales from the production and wholesale to retail sales; the general principle of two sales taxes from commercial sales to retail sales; Specific provisions of the problem
本刊讯 (记者 薛爱明)日前,人社部一季度新闻发布会召开,人社部养老保险司司长聂明隽表示:“2—3月份,社会保险阶段性减免政策共为企业减免真金白银2329亿元.”rn那么社会保
本刊讯(记者 武增新)近日,生态环境部、农业农村部在京联合召开推进打赢净土保卫战和农业农村污染治理攻坚战视频会议.生态环境部部长黄润秋、农业农村部副部长张桃林出席会
In this talk, we will introduce some results on the eigenvalues of distance matrix,such as, sharp upper and lower bounds on the distance spectral radius, which
本刊讯 (记者 秦保宁)近日,国家发展改革委联合有关部门、国家数字经济创新发展试验区、媒体单位,以及互联网平台、行业龙头企业、金融机构、科研院所、行业协会等145家单位,
本刊讯(记者 樊俊)近日,财政部副部长、党组成员许宏才出席国务院政策例行吹风会,介绍2019年落实重大政策措施真抓实干成效明显地方予以督查激励的有关情况,并回答记者提问.r
An old problem of Linial and Wilf asks for the graphs with n vertices and m edges which maximize the number of proper q-colorings on vertices.Loh, Pikhurko and
A path covering of a graph G is a set of vertex disjoint paths of G containing all the vertices of G.The path covering number of G, denoted by P(G), is the mini