
来源 :药物不良反应杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SilentWoolf_1981
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1例64岁女性高血压病患者因服用氨氯地平血压控制欠佳,自行改用替米沙坦40 mg口服、2次/d。1周后患者出现口腔、外阴、肛周溃疡伴肿痛,症状进行性加重。当地医院诊断为白塞病并给予地塞米松治疗10 d,症状好转后停用地塞米松,皮疹再次加重。就诊于内蒙古医科大学附属医院风湿免疫科后,诊断为固定性药疹,考虑替米沙坦所致。给予甲泼尼龙、西替利嗪、漱口液、皮疹处冷敷等治疗,将替米沙坦更换为硝苯地平控释片。治疗10 d后,患者皮肤症状明显好转。随访3个月,皮疹未再复发。“,”A 64-year-old female patient with hypertension took telmisartan 40 mg orally twice daily without doctor′s advice due to poor blood pressure control with amlodipine treatment. After taking telmisartan for 1 week, she developed oral, vulvar, and perianal ulcers, accompanied by swelling and pain, and the symptoms were gradually aggravated. She was diagnosed with Behcet disease in the local hospital and dexamethasone was given for 10 days. Then dexamethasone was stopped because of the improvement of the symptoms but the rash was aggravated again. After attending the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology in the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, he was diagnosed with fixed drug eruption, which was considered to be caused by telmisartan. Methylprednisolone, cetirizine, mouthwashes, cold-compresses on the rash were given and telmisartan was switched to nifedipine controlled-release tablets. After 10 days of treatments, the patient′s skin symptoms were improved obviously. At 3 months of follow-up, the rash did not recur.
1例66岁男性患者因尿路上皮癌伴肝脏、淋巴结转移,给予注射用紫杉醇(白蛋白结合型)400 mg静脉滴注、第1天;替吉奥50 mg口服、2次/d,第1~14天;间歇1周,21 d为1个周期。共行9个周期化
1例79岁男性糖尿病患者在冠状动脉搭桥术后7年因心力衰竭给予托伐普坦(15 mg口服、1次/d)联合呋塞米、左西孟旦和重组人脑利钠肽治疗,同时给予氯吡格雷、美托洛尔、依折麦布、甘精胰岛素和利拉鲁肽治疗冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病和糖尿病。3 d后心力衰竭症状改善,但出现高钠血症,血钠从入院时136 mmol/L升高至152 mmol/L。停用托伐普坦后血钠继续升高,峰值达168 mmol/L。放宽水分