冷战时期 ,以东盟为依托的东南亚地区主义有其鲜明特征。首先 ,东南亚地区主义是一种囿于主权的地区主义 ,以主权平等为核心的国际法基本原则成为东盟成员国的行为规范 ,尊重主权、不干涉内政、和平解决争端等原则在地区合作中得到切实遵循和维护 ;其次 ,东南亚地区主义的基本内容是进行政治经济上的合作 ,尤其是安全上的合作 ,但这种合作并不以政治经济一体化为目标 ,它是一种开放式的地区主义 ;最后 ,东盟奉行灵活、非正式的决策方式 ,表现出东南亚地区主义低组织化、低制度化的特征
During the Cold War era, Southeast Asian regionalism based on ASEAN has its own distinctive features. First of all, Southeast Asian regionalism is a kind of sovereignty of regionalism, the basic principle of sovereignty and equality as the core of ASEAN member states to act norms, respect for sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs, the peaceful settlement of disputes and other principles of cooperation in the region to be effective Follow and safeguard; Secondly, the basic content of regionalism in Southeast Asia is to carry out political and economic cooperation, especially security cooperation, but this cooperation does not aim at political and economic integration as an open regionalism ; Finally, ASEAN pursues a flexible and informal way of making decisions and shows the low-organized and low-institutionalized characteristics of regionalism in Southeast Asia