In order to optimize the structure of the impedance matrix when the elastic wave frequency domain forwards in two-dimensional isotropic medium, reduce the memory needed for forward modeling and improve the forward efficiency, based on the 25-point difference format, Dimensional elastic wave frequency domain 15-point difference format, the difference operator of partial differential term and acceleration term in elastic wave equation is recalculated using this scheme, which reduces the requirement of grid node in the calculation process and constructs the frequency after optimized impedance matrix Domain forward matrix equation. The dispersion formula of the phase velocities between the longitudinal and transverse waves is deduced. The dispersion curves of the phase velocities at different Poisson’s ratios are given. The grids within each transverse wavelength are obtained when the phase velocity error control range is ± 1% The numerical results show that the 15-point difference scheme has a slightly stricter grid compared with the 25-point difference scheme by comparing the snapshots of wavefields, velocity components at the detection points and single shot records obtained from the dispersion curves and the numerical simulations of simple models. Space requirement, considerable calculation accuracy, less computation time and smaller impedance matrix bandwidth.Finally, the adaptability of this method is verified by numerical simulation of complex models.