8月底中国蓝星集团宣布斥资上亿元切入网络安全产业,此举给时下已经火爆异常的杀病毒软件市场又添了一把火。近日,北京海信数码科技有限公司也推出“盾牌行动——网络安全海信作先锋”活动。联想打出“联想网御——信息安全每一天”的口号。不久前,中网通讯也宣布全面转入网络安全领域…… 虽然各厂商对网络安全市场的启动还持观望态度,但是据有关部门统计,截止到今年夏天,全国注册的公司中与信息安全有关的已超过1300家。这一
At the end of August, China’s Bluestar Group announced that it will invest billions in cutting into the cyber security industry, a move that has added fire to the now-popular anti-virus software market. Recently, Beijing Hisense Digital Technology Co., Ltd. also launched the “Shield Action - Cyber Security Hisense pioneered” activities. Lenovo played the slogan of “Lenovo.com – information security every day”. Not long ago, China Netcom also announced its full transition to the field of cyber security. Although various manufacturers have taken a wait-and-see attitude toward the launch of the cyber security market, according to statistics from related departments, as of this summer, companies registered in the country are involved in information security. There are more than 1,300 homes. This one