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黄文杰,男,湖南澧县人,1962年5月出生,1992年9月入伍,1998年8月入党,1995年获第三军医大学博士学位,1995年至1997年在军事医学科学院博士后流动站工作。现为全军呼吸内科中心主任、广东省非典型肺炎专家指导小组副组长、广东省科技攻关中西医救治组副组长、广州军区广州总医院呼吸内科主任兼副主任医师。去年底以来,黄文杰同志在人民生命受到非典型肺炎威胁的重要时刻,牢记我军宗旨和白衣战士的崇高使命,用执着的科学精神、优良的医疗作风和顽强的革命斗志与“非典”作殊死搏斗,成功救治了包括首例“非典”报告患者在内的34例“非典”病人,指导参与了300多名“非典”的临床诊治和2000余名医护人员的培训;50余次接受新闻媒体采访,协助政府宣传科学防治“非典”,参与了广东省卫生厅和国家卫生部“非典型肺炎临床诊断标准和治疗方案”的起草等,为广东省和全国的抗“非典”斗争作出了重要贡献。新华社、中央电视台新闻联播和人民日报、解放军报等新闻媒体先后报道了他的事迹,称他是自觉践行“三个代表”,抗击“非典”的医学尖兵。 He was born in May 1962, joined the army in September 1992, joined the party in August 1998, received his doctorate from the Third Military Medical University in 1995, and worked at the postdoctoral research station of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences from 1995 to 1997. . He is currently the director of the PLA’s Respiratory Medicine Center, the deputy leader of the Guangdong Provincial SARS expert steering group, the deputy head of the Chinese-Western scientific and technological rescue team in Guangdong Province, and the director of the department of respiratory medicine and deputy chief physician of the Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region. Since the end of last year, Comrade Huang Wenjie, bearing in mind the purpose of our army and the lofty mission of the white soldier at the important moment when the life of the people is threatened with SARS, has succumbed to SARS with his staunch scientific spirit, excellent medical style and indomitable revolutionary fighting spirit He successfully treated 34 cases of SARS patients, including the first “SARS” reported patients, guided the clinical diagnosis and treatment of more than 300 SARS patients and trained more than 2,000 medical staff. More than 50 media reports were received by the media Interviewed and assisting the government in publicizing “SARS” in scientific prevention and treatment and participating in drafting the “SARS clinical diagnostic criteria and treatment plan” of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Health and the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China for the fight against “SARS” in Guangdong Province and the whole country contribution. Xinhua News Agency, CCTV news network and People’s Daily, the Liberation Army Daily and other news media have reported his deeds, saying he is consciously practicing the “Three Represents,” fight the SARS medical vanguard.
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