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昆明西山万达广场写字楼为高烈度设防地区的超高层建筑,建筑总高度为316m,结构的地震响应非常显著。采用带加强层的钢管混凝土框架-型钢混凝土核心筒混合结构体系。设计中通过控制结构自重、合理分配外框架刚度、设置有限刚度的加强层和采用带约束多型钢剪力墙等技术,充分利用各结构构件的受力特点,从而提高了结构体系的抗侧刚度,控制了结构主材用量。小震和大震弹塑性分析结果表明,结构的各项指标满足规范要求,能达到预期的抗震性能目标。本项目的设计满足了高烈度区超高层结构安全、经济和美观实用的要求。 The office building of Wanda Plaza in Kunming Xishan is a super high-rise building in a high-intensity fortification area with a total building height of 316m. The seismic response of the structure is remarkable. Steel reinforced concrete frame with reinforced layer - steel reinforced concrete core tube mixed structure system. In the design, by controlling the self-weight of the structure, rationally distributing the outer frame stiffness, setting the reinforcement layer with limited rigidity and adopting the multi-type steel shear wall with restraint technology, the mechanical characteristics of each structural component are fully utilized to improve the lateral rigidity of the structural system , Control the amount of structure main material. The plastic analysis results of small earthquakes and large earthquakes show that all the indexes of the structure meet the requirements of the code and achieve the expected seismic performance. The design of this project meets the requirements of safety, economy and aesthetic appearance of super high-rise buildings in high-intensity areas.
目的:探讨自体外周血造血干细胞移植(autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation,APBSCT)治疗急性髓细胞白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)的疗效。方法:收集
非平衡训练对肌肉之间的协调力提升、深层肌群激活等方面有着比稳定地面训练更多的优势,当前非平衡训练设备主要有波速球(bosu球)、瑞士球、平衡板(balance board)、悬吊绳等。这些设备自身的非平衡性级别固定,设备自身不会进行主动更改非平衡性,因此本文称之为被动式非平衡设备。六自由度平台,可以主动性的控制档位从而产生不同的非平衡状态,且可以从多个方向、多个维度进行控制,非平衡级别多,摆脱了仅
研究背景急性冠脉综合征(Acute coronary syndrome,ACS)是心肌急性缺血所导致的一系列临床表现,主要发病机制是粥样斑块破裂、破损,继而引起血栓形成,最终影响心脏血供。世界