随着新农药“溴氰菊酯”的应用越来越广泛误服或服农药自杀的急性中毒患者渐渐增多,我科于1988—1990年期共收治10例急性溴氰菊酯中毒患者,现将我们的抢救体会报道如下:一、临床资料(一)、中毒方式 10例患者均经口入体,其中误服者2例,服农药自杀者8例。(二)、服毒量中毒程度及服毒至就诊时间:口服2.5%敌杀死5~25毫升者3例,25毫升以上者7例,轻度中毒者3例,中~重度中毒者7例,服毒至就诊时间在1小时以内者为2例,1~2小时2例,2~24小时5例,>24小时1例。(三)、中毒症状轻度中毒者有头昏、乏力、恶心、呕吐、流涎、胸闷等。中、重度中毒者有双手震颤、肌肉抽搐、惊厥、高
With the application of new pesticides “deltamethrin” more and more widely accreted or committed suicide of pesticides in acute poisoning patients gradually increased, our department in 1988-1990 were treated in 10 cases of acute deltamethrin poisoning patients are The rescue will be reported as follows: First, the clinical data (A), poisoning 10 patients were orally ingested, of which 2 were taken by mistake, serving 8 cases of pesticide suicide. (B), poisoning poisoning and poisoning to treatment time: oral 2.5% killed 5 to 25 ml in 3 cases, 25 ml or more in 7 cases, mild poisoning in 3 cases, moderate to severe poisoning in 7 cases, Toxicity to treatment time within 1 hour in 2 cases, 1 to 2 hours in 2 cases, 2 to 24 hours in 5 cases,> 24 hours in 1 case. (C), mild symptoms of poisoning were dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, salivation, chest tightness and so on. Medium and severe poisoning tremor hands, muscle twitching, convulsions, high