一、前言 柑桔花蕾蛆属双翅目瘿蚊科,土名包花虫,以幼虫危害柑桔花蕾,使花蕾膨大变形,花冠不能开张,不能结果,被害严重的桔树,花蕾受害率可达80%以上;对柑桔产量影响很大,是柑桔上的重要害虫。 花蕾蛆一年发生一代,以幼虫在土中越冬。翌年4月份成虫羽化出土,产卵于花蕾内,孵化后在蕾内生活10天左右即弹跳入土。一生大部份时间在土中生活。长期以来人们采用农药与细土拌和,于成虫羽化出土前撒布于桔园土表,以杀死刚从土中羽化出来的成虫,有较好的防治效果。 但是,这种化学防治,不但受气候因子
First, the preface Citrus bud maggot is a genus Diptera head mosquito family, native name package flower insects, to the larvae of citrus flower buds, the enlargement deformation of the flower buds, corolla can not be opened, can not result in serious damage to the orange, bud damage rate Up to 80%; It has a great impact on citrus production and is an important pest on citrus. Buds maggots occur a generation a year, with larvae in the soil overwintering. In April the following year emergence of adult emergence, spawning in the bud, after hatching in Leine life about 10 days that bounced into the soil. Live most of your life in your soil. For a long time people use pesticides and fine soil mixing, in the emergence of adult emergence of orange soil in the table before, in order to kill the adults just emerging from the soil, have a better control effect. However, this chemical control is not only affected by climate factors