
来源 :人民长江 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caoenjia
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长江流域继 1998年发生全流域性大洪水后 ,1999年发生了较大洪水。通过洪水及汛情对比 ,1998年与1999年长江洪水的共同点是洪水位均较高 ,但性质不同 ,1998年是全流域性大洪水 ,1999年则属区域性较大洪水。 1998年宜昌出现 8次洪峰 ,最大 30d洪量与 1954年相当 ,1999年宜昌仅出现 3次洪峰 ,最大只有 5760 0m3 /s,较 1999年小 ,最大 30d洪量亦较 1998年小 2 58亿m3 ,反映了 1999年长江上游来水量不大。从长时段的洪量对比来看 ,1999年洪水是较集中的一次洪水 ,而 1998年则是历时长的洪水。分析认为 ,由于两年洪水的差异及 1998年汛后堤防工程的结果 ,使两年洪水间的溃口水量、溃垸数、淹没耕地及工程险情都有较大差别。反映了 1998年洪水后防洪工程建设发挥重要作用 After a major flood in the Yangtze River basin in 1998, a serious flood occurred in 1999. Through the comparison of floods and floods, the commonalities of the floods in the Yangtze River between 1998 and 1999 are that the flood level is higher but of a different nature. In 1998, it was a major flood in the whole basin, and in 1999 it was a regional flood. In 1998, there were 8 flood peaks in Yichang, the maximum flood volume in 30 days was the same as that in 1954. Only 3 flood peaks occurred in Yichang in 1999, the largest being only 5760 0m3 / s, smaller than that in 1999. The maximum 30d flood volume was also smaller than that in 1998 by 25.8 billion m3, It reflects that there was not much water in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in 1999. In terms of flood volume over a long period of comparison, floods were more concentrated in 1999 than in floods in 1998. The analysis shows that due to the difference of floods in two years and the result of embankment project after flood season in 1998, there is a big difference between the two years of flood water, the number of embankments, the flooded cultivated land and the construction danger. Reflects the flood control project in 1998 to play an important role
1 引言一个水电厂能否正常发电与调速器的正常工作分不开,如果调速器一旦出现故障,将影响整个电厂安全生产和经济效益,因此保证调速器正常工作是非常重要的。堡口水电站装机
1水平衡测试的概念 水在一个地区,一个企业,一个车间乃至一台用水设备中总是保持平衡的未确定用水体系,输入体系的水量始终等于输出体系的水量,如下图1。 输入体系的水量为取水量(Q)十
The paper presents a ne w method for predicting the hydrodynamic performance of the flap rudder behind a propeller. The hydrodynamics of the rudder was calcula
按照工程结构不同的设计理论和方法 ,在相应的水工混凝土结构设计规范下对渡槽纵向抗裂能力及抗裂可靠度进行了计算 ,对计算结果进行了对比分析 ;就混凝土强度的变异性及荷载
1 引言 上工布已在水利堤防修筑过程中广为使用,除通常以无纺土工布作为反滤层外,还在石料缺乏地区以有纺土工布编织袋装砂修筑堤心。由此可见,对土工布各种特性的研究测定
1998年汛期隔河岩水利枢纽观测部位为深孔、表孔及消能工。其观测内容包括流态、时均压力、空化噪声、流速、雾雨。观测结果表明 :该工程泄洪表孔、深孔、消力池及辅助消能工