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社会在发展,教育也随着进入了一个崭新的课程改革时代。随着新课堂改革的逐步深入,新的教学方式、学习方式给沉寂多年的基础教育带来了重大变革,大有让人应接不暇之势。对于很多历史老师来说,这是一次极大的挑战。他们对旧教材、旧教法几 With the development of society, education has entered a brand-new era of curriculum reform. With the gradual deepening of the new classroom reform, new teaching methods and learning styles have brought major changes to the basic education that has been quiet for many years, and many people are overwhelmed. For many history teachers, this is a big challenge. They are old teaching materials, a few old teaching methods