High Serum CEA and CYFRA21-1 Levels after a Two-Cycle Adjuvant Chemotherapy for NSCLC:Possible Poor

来源 :Cancer Biology & Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fh2019
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Objective The aim of this study was to test whether carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) and cytokeratin 19 fragments(CYFRA21-1) can be used as a prognostic factor for non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy in NSCLC patients. Methods A total of 169 patients underwent at least two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy.The serum levels of CEA and CYFRA21-1 were recorded after the second cycle of chemotherapy,and the patient follow-up was conducted.Overall survival(OS) and diseasefree survival(DFS) were used as the primary endpoint and the secondary endpoint,respectively. Results The high levels of CEA and CYFRA21-1 after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy were poor prognostic factors for OS,with risk ratios(RR) of 2.003 and 1.702,respectively.A high CEA level was a poor prognostic factor(RR 1.152) for DFS.The median survival time(MST) of the high CEA level group was 26 months,whereas that of the normal group was 61 months(P<0.0001).The median DFS time of the high CEA group and the normal group was 34 and 53 months,respectively(P<0.0001).The MST of the high CYFRA21-1 group and the normal group was 43 and 56 months,respectively(PO.0001). Conclusions The high serum levels of CEA or CYFRA21-1 after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy are poor prognostic factors for NSCLC patients. Objective The aim of this study was to test whether carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and cytokeratin 19 fragments (CYFRA21-1) can be used as a prognostic factor for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy in NSCLC Patients. Methods A total of 169 patients underwent at least two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. serum levels of CEA and CYFRA21-1 were recorded after the second cycle of chemotherapy, and the patient follow-up was conducted. Overall survival (OS) and Results The high levels of CEA and CYFRA21-1 after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy were poor prognostic factors for OS, with risk ratios (RR) of 2.003 and 1.702, respectively. A high CEA level was a poor prognostic factor (RR 1.152) for DFS. Median time (MST) of the high CEA level group was 26 months, but that of the normal group was 61 months (P <0.0001 The median DFS time of the high CEA group and the normal group was 34 and 53 months, respectively (P <0.0001). The MST of the high CYFRA21-1 group and the normal group was 43 and 56 months, respectively (PO.0001). Conclusions The high serum levels of CEA or CYFRA21-1 after two cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy are poor prognostic factors for NSCLC patients.
玩相机的人大概都知道摄影其实是用光影绘画。记得一位军旅老摄影家曾这样说,军事新闻摄影,除了要注重现场感、突發性和主题意义外,还要将地方摄影人的摄影风格尽可能多地融入进来,让画面更美、更丰满、更生动,让细节更打动人。因此,我在摄影过程中,一直比较注重对“光影”的运用。  《冷的边关热的血》是“偶然”所得,当时,部队在茫茫林海武装拉练,我跟随拍摄,当太阳即将落山,一个排的兵力在一处开阔地带踏雪快速行军
他曾一炮而红,突然而毫不犹豫。1947年,百老汇上演的《欲望号街车》,是他写的,观众为之疯狂,他亲自登台谢幕,观众掌声半小时不歇。然后《欲望号街车》从美国席卷欧洲,一向有文化优越感的欧洲人接纳并热爱着这个美国佬写出的戏剧。    他就是田纳西·威廉斯,美国剧作家。他的《欲望号街车》,拍成电影,让费雯丽赢得了第二座奥斯卡小金人,捧红了马龙·白兰度。他一红就是15年,不歇不竭,一个剧接着一个剧,《热皮
今年9月底召开的万达年会上,董事长王健林的发言主题原是“万达广场成功的原因”。但这位刚刚跃升为地产首富的商界大亨一开口,讲的却是今年以来万达广场遇到的三个新问题:  一是客流增长在下降。万达广场今年全国的平均客流增幅掉到了个位数,而此前5年的增速都在15%以上。其他一些企业甚至出现了下滑。  二是客单价在下降,从去年的100多元降到了今年的90元,这其中还包括3%~4%的通胀因素,表明顾客的消费能
摘要:一个学校的好坏与该学校的管理体系密不可分,管理的严谨与否直接影响到一个学校的学风、纪律等各方面。小学是每个学生学习生涯的起点,其学校管理更是每一位教育者所应该重视的。本文就如何加强小学学校管理做了几点简要阐述。  关键词:小学;管理;校长;管理团队;制度;学生为本  随着时代的不断发展,现学校管理体系已渐渐从管理经验走向管理理论,再从管理理论走向理论与实际相结合的道路。但现学校管理体系仍然不