各市、县(区)人民政府,省人民政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 在各地区和各有关部门的共同努力下,历时两年的第一次全国经济普查主体工作已圆满结束。国务院第一次全国经济普查领导小组办公室和国家统计局已于12月6日发布了《第一次全国经济普查主要数据公报(第一号)》,第二号、第三号公报和利用经济普查资料核算的2004
All municipalities and counties (districts) people’s governments and provincial people’s government departments, all subordinate agencies, all major enterprises and institutions of higher learning: With the joint efforts of all localities and relevant departments, the first national economic census lasted for two years The main work has ended satisfactorily. The State Council’s First National Economic Census Leading Group Office and the National Bureau of Statistics released the “Gazette No. 1” of the First National Economic Census, No. 2, No. 3 Communiqué and Utilization of Economy on December 6 Census information accounting 2004