研究了作用浓度为0.7~4.0μL/mL的南方药用植物香茅(Cymbopogon citratus)、广藿香(Pogostemoncablin(Blanco)Benth)、大叶桉(Eucalyptusrobusta Smith)和蛇床(Cnidiummonnieri(L.)Cusson)的精油对6种植物病原真菌的抑制活性。结果表明,大叶桉、广藿香和香茅精油对串珠镰刀病菌(Fussariummoniliforme)、玉米弯孢霉菌(Curvularialunata)对多种供试植物病原真菌的生长有明显抑制活性,其中,香茅精油在浓度为3.3μL/mL时,能完全抑制大部分供试真菌的生长。但不同精油对于各病原真菌的抑制率有一定差异。本研究为复合植物精油抗真菌农药的开发提供依据。
The southern medicinal plants Cimboppogon citratus, Pogostemoncablin (Blanco) Benth, Eucalyptus robusta Smith and Cnidium monnieri (L.) were studied at a concentration of 0.7-4.0 μL/mL. Cusson’s essential oils inhibit the activity of six plant pathogenic fungi. The results showed that the essential oil of Eucalyptus grandiflora, patchouli and citronella had significant inhibitory activity against the growth of a variety of test plant pathogenic fungi, including Fussarium moniliforme and Curvularialata. Among them, the essential oil of citronella was in concentration. At 3.3 μL/mL, the growth of most of the tested fungi was completely inhibited. However, there are certain differences in the inhibitory rates of different essential oils for various pathogenic fungi. This study provides a basis for the development of antifungal pesticides for compound plant essential oils.